Reopening: Student Life & Well-Being

Hailey Hearney Reopening Sep 5, 2020

This article is part of our reopening coverage. For more, please visit

Watch Superintendent Schmettan address your questions about Student Life & Well-Being

Student Life

***We will be continuously updating the information in this article as more decisions are made***

Is there any hope for extracurriculars to start?

All clubs and extracurricular activities will be suspended until at least September 21. After that, whether or not clubs commence may differ depending on the activity. For example, sixth grade intramurals might not be able to happen but student government may be able to. Administration is looking to try and at least provide virtual club meetings in-person is not possible. More information regarding clubs should come a few weeks into school.

We really just wanted to hold on to clubs until we got school open and saw how things operated. - Superintendent Schmettan

Will there be a pep rally or Homecoming?

Homecoming will be heavily impacted by COVID-19. A decision on whether the event will be held will be based on many factors, one being the guidelines regarding athletics which are given by New York State Education Department and New York State Public High School Athletic Association. As of now, Homecoming  is not scheduled, but it also is not canceled. We will update this when more information when it is provided.

Will students still be able to talk to each other this year in a non-six feet apart way?

Students should try to maintain social distancing whenever possible and do their best to keep themselves and others safe. When there are interactions that come about where six feet of distance is not maintained, masks should be worn.

Student Well-Being

How will high school students be supported when we reopen?

According to the school’s reopening plan, high school students will be supported in various different ways once school reopens. One way is check-ins with the students and tiered support.

Additionally, students will be able to speak with the  school psychologist and social worker available at any time.  If you do not feel comfortable talking to them, any trusted adult in the school is always there for you.

There is a support website run by our school psychologists and social workers that has helpful links to help students and parents work through any struggles they may be having:

How do check-ins work?

Guidance received from the state suggests that schools implement “periodic questionnaires to students to get a sense of how they’re dealing with the pandemic and then adjusting back to school life.” The PJSD’s Social Emotional Reopening Committee had discussed the idea of using Google Forms to send out questionnaires to students to check in and see how they are doing.

Who is viewing the form answers?

Only the school psychologist and social worker will be viewing the Google Form answers. They will look through and identify any students that may need support as well as analyze the patterns of what large groups of students seem to be reporting in order to address the needs of the student population as a whole. So if a lot of students reported that they felt socially isolated, the school would try and see what they could do to reconnect friends and help students feel more connected to each other.

For the check-ins, will my parents know everything I tell the school?

No, your parents will not know everything you tell the school. However, like always, if it is something that is necessary to involve other authorities in, your parents may be notified.

Please check back for updates! For more, visit

Hailey Hearney

Hailey, a senior, is the editor of Lifestyle. An All-State soccer player, she has made the top 100 players to watch list. Her favorite team is the US Women’s National Soccer Team.

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